I know the score like the back of my hand  致勝之道,我瞭若指掌
Them other boys, I don't give a damn  其他小子,我都不放在眼裡
They kiss on the ring, I carry the crown  他們俯首稱臣,向我這個王者
Nothing can break, nothing can break me down  沒有甚麼能擊垮我的,沒有
Don't need no advice, I got a plan  不需要建議,我自有打算
I know the direction, the lay of the land  我自有方向,整個局勢路線
I know the score like the back of my hand  致勝之道,我瞭若指掌
Them other boys, I don't give a damn  其他的屁孩們,我都不放在眼裡

I'm the man, come round  我是個真男人,放馬過來啊
Nothing can break, nothing can break me down  沒有甚麼能擊垮我的,沒有
I'm the man, come round and  我是個漢子,放馬過來啊
Nothing can break, you can't break me down  沒有甚麼能擊垮我的,沒有

I got gas in the tank  我蓄勢待發
I got money in the bank  我銀彈充足
I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man  告訴妳,在妳眼前的是個真男人
I got skin in the game  我有頭有臉
I got a household name  我是個人物
I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man  告訴妳,在妳眼前的是個漢子

When it comes to Friday, I always earn  每到周末,我總是贏家
But don't try to teach me, I got nothing to learn   別試著教我甚麼,我早就會了
'Cause baby I'm gifted   因為我天賦如此
You see what I mean?   妳懂我的意思嗎?
USDA certified lean   官方認證的強悍肉體

I'm the man, come round  我是個真男人,放馬過來啊
Nothing can break, you can't break me down  沒有甚麼能擊垮我的,就算妳也一樣

I got gas in the tank  我蓄勢待發
I got money in the bank  我銀彈充足
I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man  告訴妳,在妳眼前的是個真男人
I got skin in the game  我有頭有臉
I don't feel no pain  失敗是甚麼滋味?
I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man  告訴妳,在妳眼前的是個漢子

Who's the man? Who's the man?   誰是個真男人?有誰是個真男人?
I'm the man, I'm the man  就是我!我是個真男人!
Who's the man with the plan?   誰是那個胸有成竹的真男人?
I'm the man  就是我!


Who's the man? Who's the man?   誰是個漢子?有誰是個漢子?
I'm the man, I'm the man  就是我!我是個漢子!
Who's the man with the plan?  誰是那個胸有成竹的漢子?

I'm the man  就是我!
I'm the man  就是我!
I'm the man  我是個漢子!

I got gas in the tank  我蓄勢待發
I got money in the bank  我銀彈充足
I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man  告訴妳,在妳眼前的是個真男人
I got skin in the game  我有頭有臉
Headed to the hall of fame  我聲名遠播
I got news for you baby, you're looking at the man  告訴妳,在妳眼前的是個漢子

Right hand to God   舉手向天起誓
First in command  一切我說了算
My testimony, but I take the stand   我的見證,擲地有聲

Who's the man? Who's the man?   誰是真男人?誰是個真男人?
I'm the man, I'm the man  我,我就是個真男人!
Who's the man with the plan?   誰是那個胸有成竹的真男人?
I'm the man  就是我!

Who's the man? Who's the man?  誰是漢子?有誰是個漢子?
I'm the man, I'm the man  我,我就是個漢子!
Who's the man with the plan?   誰是那個胸有成竹的漢子?
I'm the man  就是我!

I don't give a damn  其他的我才不鳥
I'm the man   因為林北是個真男人




    The Killers The Man
    創作者 不耐低溫的Chanos 的頭像


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